My Tepoztlan routine

I settled in Tepoztlan, Pueblo Magico in Morelos, Mexico. I absolutely love it here. 
Why? Because I am close to the mountains, there is something grounding and majestic about looking up at the Montaňas. I've stumbled upon some archaeological places here conveying ancient magic that I still cannot understand. 

I'm here to reset my nervous system. It's been a hell of a ride this past year. I've made mistakes but won't repent or punish myself for them. I'm just gonna heal. I know that if we honestly believed we had all we needed right here, right now, and not just within, but even when we looked around, we'd see God - in nature, in the kitchen, and in the bedroom. We'd feel appreciation for the Abundance. More miracles can happen when we acknowledge that life is one gigantic miracle. You're a miracle, and you can manifest whatever you desire. 

Last year, I manifested some crazy shit. I manifested what I asked for, but I asked for too little. It's not that easy to change from somebody who was told Oh, who do you think you are? Why do you think you can have this? Be humble, don't ask for things, you are too much, don't express yourself. It's tough to take the leap from this type of brain. Once you do take the leap, expect some bumps on the road, and that's OK. We all learn differently, and some people need to make mistakes first and take detours. 

So yes, I manifested some romances. I'm not proud of how it all panned out, but it's done. I definitely learned. Despite the heartbreaks, I'm gonna remain available no matter what has happened in the past. I'm gonna stay available for the right kind of love, the type of love where you actually co-create together, you make the world a better place, you feel good together, you don't play any fucking games with each other, and it's smooth. It's effortless in the sense that you don't have to push hard and strive for that person's love. You Don't have to pretend that you're someone you're not; you don't even have to make yourself look better in their eyes, like, you're some fucking superhuman. We all have flaws, and the connection will come naturally if it's meant to be. You don't have to push hard. Obviously, it takes effort to be consistent in the relationship, stay present and focused, love each other, cherish each other, build each other up, and work together. That's a good kind of effort, and I'm totally available for that. 

While being available, I'm gonna focus on generating abundance. This year is my year. I'd like to become financially independent. The new man is allowed to come into my life at any point from now on and help me, but it's not like I'm waiting for him to be my saving grace, that he needs to help me out of the ditch. No, I got myself out of the ditch already. I'm not entirely thriving, but I am grateful for the experiences. I know that gratitude will help me achieve the next level of financial growth in independence and freedom. I would definitely like a freedom-lover, and it's my birthright to get somebody caring with a secure attachment. 

I've been learning about attachment styles lately, reading the book Attached by
I'm undoubtedly someone with a predominantly anxious attachment style. I used to be an avoidant, but it was only a mask for being super duper scared shitless of not having my needs met by one person, two people, anyone, not even myself. I was so scared to engage in romantic relationships. But that's a thing of the past. I forgive myself for keeping love at arm's length, and I know it's not my authentic Self. I created a made-up self to protect my heart, but it came with a sacrifice. The sacrifice was loneliness and self-loathing to feel 'safe'. My ego's voice was louder than my own heart's voice. I am over that. I learned. Now, I am listening to my heart. I know that God is helping me to make my life count.

I'm creating a video in a CapCut that Patrick Henningsen himself walked me through. He gave me a tutorial on using that video editing tool, and it's pretty cool. I'm now recording short snippets of my daily life. I need to remember to tape the things I eat because I just tend to eat the thing before I take a photo of it.

Still, I would like to include how I heal my nervous system these days, which involves plenty of rest and relaxation, being very kind to myself, sleeping well, moving, and dreaming. My morning routine is pretty simple. Instead of coffee, I now make a golden milk latte. I drink my tea with spices like curcumin, cinnamon, ginger, and black pepper. I drink it while I'm doing something on my laptop. I'm reading my emails, replying, and being engaged in the world in a feel-good way. I'm not reading the news, but I connect with people who matter and are good for my nervous system. Sometimes, I do Amazon window shopping. Looking for natural supplements is my favorite activity. I might make breakfast, which is like a pudding or a smoothie. Then I wash my face. I put on a moisturizer and perform a 5 to 10 minute long face massage, another self-care act that makes me look and feel great. After the massage, I put on some clothes, and I either plank for a few minutes, or perform some yoga stretches. I then continue browsing, writing, or reading something interesting. Before I head out for a walk, I carve out some time to close my eyes and meditate. It's essential for my sanity. 

When I leave the house, I sometimes find some excellent Mexican coffee or Kombucha and some healthy sweets to indulge in. If so, I sit down and continue writing. Then I go for a longer walk because I have more stamina after the coffee. I love hiking! Tepoztlan has many fantastic places to visit. 
When I return, I do more journaling, create a social post, or prepare a newsletter.

In the evening, I use the freezing pool here. I'm in love! Whim Hoff Ice baths Mexico style. It's icy for me , but for the average Westerner at the end of Feb weather, it's probably warm. 

Then I drink some wine... Just because. However, on most days I'm a complete tea-totaler.

You're wondering about my dinner; well, I tend to eat it early, so I can fast for 16 hours afterward and still not skip a late breakfast. It works for me.
If it's possible, I meet up with a friend. If nobody's around, I'm happy to stay on my own. 
I might dance, put on a replay of some interesting sovereign talk, podcast, or a movie that switches off my brain.

This routine is amendable, but so far, so good!


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