The Spirit world watches all my romances

Well, so he's back in the single's world, dating other women like a kid in a candy store, and also texting me about it... My 'married' twin flame from 2017, and interestingly, I don't GAF.

I'm wise enough to know that once a forbidden fruit becomes available, it's most likely rotten. And aware of its toxicity, I don't want to eat it anymore.
Our romance was intense in 2017-18, then fireworks in October 2022 as if nothing had changed between us (neither his marital status) in four years. I even told him last year... Once you decide to finally... 🙈
Anyway, it will all be depicted in my book!

J. and I it was a crazy looove! But it's time to cut the cord; I don't think we're meant to be together, not even now that he's physically available…
Huh, simple as that.

I got new oracle cards, Spirit Animals by Collette Baron Reid - they work so amazingly! Wow, I always knew the Spirit world was real; I love them… Side note - I just recalled my second Ayahuasca experience in the countryside of Byron Bay… how I was attacked by the animals of the forest, or, there was also a croc, and so, who knows what else… they were sucking on my brain, cutting my arms off, I was hallucinating and scared af!

Whether it was an actual psychic or Spirit attack, I'll never know. I believe it could have been a test of resilience, and maybe humbleness to surrender to the highest power of nature. I'd be willing to do it again!

The day the cards arrived, I was talking to my landlord in his office downstairs when this army of moths swung by… luckily, they never fly up the top floor where I rent my room.
Then I come upstairs, pick up a random card, and it's the Moth Spirit… Reminding me to do only activities that/ and meet only people who/ are aligned with my goals, that I shouldn't have such a single-minded mind, and to do as many things that bring me joy as possible.

Tonight, during my private little ecstatic dance, I shuffle the card deck at the instance when some romance matters cross my mind…
It was the Buffalo Spirit. No idea what it means, but I decide to find it in the guidebook later… 
I continue dancing, and come back to the guidebook a couple of songs later. I don't search for the buffalo; I open it on a random page - and it's The Buffalo Spirit… I mean, isn't the Spirit world just constantly watching us? What a lovely realization!

The Buffalo Spirit brings an abundance of all things… The native American Indians saw it as the abundance of love and resources, too…
And we all know that not only every broke person but also every broken-hearted person operates from a scarcity mindset.
So, an abundance of all things is exactly what I need to believe in, even when it comes to my failed romances. This year, I haven't made the best choices in love. Still, I have great memories of J. and R. when I was still operating unconsciously from scarcity and shame, and I forgive myself wholeheartedly for that.
Interestingly, all about M. has weirdly evaporated. 
I mean, it's almost as if that has never happened; I spent two months in Mexico alone or with my actual friends. It is amazing how selective the mind gets when it comes to survival and manifesting. 

Here I am, my heart is full, I feel a lot of love, I am alive, and I feel well. I dance with all my joy, all my gratitude, and I touch my body like I'm my own best lover. These activities wake up my sensuality like no man's hand can…
I don't know where it goes from here, but they all say to embrace the unknown. 
I'm ending the year lightly, free from the challenges in the past, and ready for the bright experiences in the future.
Staying in my own energy and making love to Gods/ Spirits rather suits me. Well, they know I am a little naughty. (They're watching! 👀)


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