How I silenced the inner critic.

I bumped into a male witch, an Argentinian Brujo. He told me I was very empathetic, yet I overthink. He suggested I should go have fun and let go.

I heeded his advice; after all, I had a feeling I'd been stuck in my head for the last 3 weeks. The last time I LET LOOSE WAS A MONTH AGO AT Anarchapulco. 

I went to the EKKO hostal to meet J. and the local guests. And I actually ate food with them so late that night! That is huge for me. And I drank some wine... I don't know why alcohol is associated with fun and letting go, but in my case, it worked. True, I'd like to have fun without it one day, but for now... I don't know what healthier option acts like a social lubricant.

Primarily, I had to cease the internal pressure to achieve something. The only way to stop that was to call upon Jesus... and he delivered; he caused the mind-shift I needed and helped me relax. I am truly lucky and blessed. I needed to stop the train of nagging that I should be somewhere else, do something else, and already have that and be that by now. Those persistent blaming voices made me sick. Today, it occurred to me to simply do more of what I enjoy. Many of these things are free. And to honor my need for change and adventure. I can go have that, and I don't need to apologize. 

When you're thinking - Oh, I need to monetize this, it's not working.

Meeting up with my fellow Projector in Human Design revealed lots of truths... we all want to express ourselves, but what is stopping us?
What are the blocks, the limiting beliefs, and other obstacles?

It's ourselves... wherever you go, you bring yourself with you.

See the chat here:


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