
Showing posts from March, 2024

How I silenced the inner critic.

I bumped into a male witch, an Argentinian Brujo. He told me I was very empathetic, yet I overthink. He suggested I should go have fun and let go. I heeded his advice; after all, I had a feeling I'd been stuck in my head for the last 3 weeks. The last time I LET LOOSE WAS A MONTH AGO AT Anarchapulco.  I went to the EKKO hostal to meet J. and the local guests. And I actually ate food with them so late that night! That is huge for me. And I drank some wine... I don't know why alcohol is associated with fun and letting go, but in my case, it worked. True, I'd like to have fun without it one day, but for now... I don't know what healthier option acts like a social lubricant. Primarily, I had to cease the internal pressure to achieve something. The only way to stop that was to call upon Jesus... and he delivered; he caused the mind-shift I needed and helped me relax. I am truly lucky and blessed. I needed to stop the train of nagging that I should be somewhere else, do somet

Am I an anxious avoidant or just anxious in love?

This audiobook  Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment and How It Can Help You Find—and Keep—Love by Amir Levine and Rachel Heller is everything I was looking for these past 18 years of dating. When you thought that you had an avoidant attachment style, only to learn it was predominantly anxious all along. I must have known what a furnace I'd unleash, so I dodged relationships for fear of being triggered into my edgy ways once I got attached. But attachment is not supposed to be a bad thing. We are humans; we're wired to want to depend on one another and live interdependently. Nobody wants to have anxiety in relationships. Being insecure also manifests as keeping love at a distance and needing space to be oneself because the true self might be too much for the other person. Yes, both avoidant and anxious styles are anything but secure. So that's me, an insecure woman with a disorganized attachment style. All the protest behavior—threatening to leave and playing hot a

My Tepoztlan routine

I settled in Tepoztlan, Pueblo Magico in Morelos, Mexico. I absolutely love it here.  Why? Because I am close to the mountains, there is something grounding and majestic about looking up at the Montaňas. I've stumbled upon some archaeological places here conveying ancient magic that I still cannot understand.  I'm here to reset my nervous system. It's been a hell of a ride this past year. I've made mistakes but won't repent or punish myself for them. I'm just gonna heal. I know that if we honestly believed we had all we needed right here, right now, and not just within, but even when we looked around, we'd see God - in nature, in the kitchen, and in the bedroom. We'd feel appreciation for the Abundance. More miracles can happen when we acknowledge that life is one gigantic miracle. You're a miracle, and you can manifest whatever you desire.  Last year, I manifested some crazy shit. I manifested what I asked for, but I asked for too little. It's n

Are men unable to be faithful to one woman by default?

Every few years, I feel like I know nothing about men, love, sex, relationships, and Tantra. And here I go again. I'm a totally empty cup that can be poured afresh. That can be a good thing.  So, what are these concepts again? I look at men and ponder about our differences... Come on, men and women are so different! Not only do men have straight bodies that by default look less attractive than the curvy bodies of women, but they also carry their bit-of-a-pregnant belly like kings... and women still fall to their feet if they think the podgy king is wealthy and successful. We believe we could learn something of value from him; maybe he'd help us solve the puzzle of life, eliminate struggles, or even be so helpful and necessary we just might feel safe and happy. Do I think like all women? Maybe not. Do most women need their man to be faithful? Or do they simply need his commitment to look after them financially, regardless of how much he'd be involved in the relationship - th