Some new year's resolutions

It's amazing what being honest with oneself can heal. I should add being honest and non-judgmental of all the shadowy parts that inevitably come to light. How else can we make changes if we don't give ourselves compassion first? Apparently, self-love and self-compassion are what I came here to learn and teach, according to my astrology.
And I shall.
Many new creative ideas are flowing to me, and the signs of abundance are everywhere. 

These are my favorite Christmas holidays by far. I am in a new country, alone and comfortable with my thoughts and emotions, the climate here is pleasant, and I have some occasional work, too. I don't like to sit idle.

Dancing twice a day, exploring local nature parks, writing, and having my bestie to exchange loooong voicemails with helps, too.

Yes, there is some anxiety, which I can only control by being present to it, meditating, and breathing it out.

Having lost a fake male friend, who was nevertheless emotionally honest and present with me even when my vertigo kicked in on the top of a mountain, seemed sad at first. But thankfully, I never mourn for too long. New doors/windows with a better view are opening up. 
I decided to now be very vigilant of men who don't know what they want or can't handle intimacy and playfulness with me. I'm decluttering.

Therefore, in order to thrive on all levels next year, I'll place creating a sustainable business venture at the top of the list. Then, buying a van (which means I really have to do something about my driving first 😬), settling somewhere like Costa Rica (but I am flexible here), and thinking before having sex with somebody. I am very sexual, and I don't want to deny myself pleasure. Unlike some unnamed men, I can enjoy my orgasms and feel good afterward. Yet, sex clouds my brain. I can get stupidly attached, and there's no reason for it other than that I like closeness; we already established that. Sex will only be permitted when one or more conditions from the following list can be ticked off:

- There's something else in it for me apart from O.
- I'm only receiving and not returning the favor.
- I'm very unattracted to him, and we're just Tantricaly experimenting. 

Haha, yeah, I feel good about those conditions - no more distractions from my priorities!
Pleasure is important, though.
Looking for a relationship is parked until 2025 at least. Gotta fix the mess first, find out what I’m able to co-create, and well, focusing on consistent income is key for me. Lioness wants to shine and feel into her inherent star-like qualities without external validation. 
I'm learning on the go. Watch me.



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