Blessings are on the way... Learn to manifest

Instead of divulging the mess, I'll divulge the learnings.

I jotted down on the plane that somehow, I sensed I wouldn't fly to NZ empty-handed. I worked hard in that place for little money and in less than favorable conditions for my type of personality. I needed more time for myself and my hobbies.
However, I saw not much evidence for my efforts if not sacrifice.
Regardless, I opened up to the possibility of creating more work outside of work.
I received a text out of nowhere. A little ‘angel investor’. He had different plans with me than what I could deliver, but because of my soft feminine heart and firm boundaries, my alternative offer seemed just as inviting.
Still, God carried out a far better plan. The divine delivered without any hard work on my side whatsoever. 

So I was sitting there lunching with my new potential client and swept him off his feet by being myself. Authentic, charming, clever, knowledgeable about things that matter to him, too, and best of all - I made sure he knew I was not for sale. 
Yes, if this year has taught me anything, it's that I can stick to my guns and still be desirable. I can put up a boundary which I know will save my soul in the long run, and still be attractive, helpful, and valuable. If I know who I am and I deliver my point across, people suddenly know how to treat me. If I respect myself, not only will others respect me, but my sense of worth which used to be non-existent, automatically goes up.
Now, I have the type of client I always wanted.

In hindsight, all the highs and lows I experienced in the past months were due to weak boundaries. Not respecting myself, my body, or my long-term vision. 
Honoring myself, saying NO more often, being selective, and treasuring my mental and physical health seemed to have brought on less work and less money at first. What I can observe now, sitting on the plane to Auckland, is that putting up a boundary paid off a hundred times over. I expect the royalties of this paradigm shift to be endless.

Giving others the same amount of respect and compassion for where they're coming from as I started giving myself created more positive changes in my relationships and friendships. It has pleasantly surprised me, too. Some people in my life did a 180-turn. I gave them unconditional acceptance and space, and they gave me genuine friendship. 
It was not only about giving respect; it was also about sharing more of my real self. I opened up about who I was, and not just online, but at work too.
I hung out with girls whom I previously saw as mere colleagues. Some hardly ever left the house for a meeting with a co-worker before. Realizing I wanted to be a friend and they might not see me again soon, they ran after me.
There's another special soul that has come closer to me recently. At least, that's how I feel despite his fearful avoidant tendencies. Don't we all need to keep a distance at varied times? I need a lot of alone time, too, after all. How great is it that I stopped internalizing things and seeing every male as an enemy who either wants to control me or abandon me? It's a work in progress.
However, I know that this particular connection is too precious to try to label it or vent too much about it.

I give myself grace. There is a wounded little girl in me who watches out for any signs of unsafety, as well as unlovability. I let her. But as the adult I am, I know I must console her. It's time to stop feeling afraid. If I deal with traumatic shit, others must deal with traumatic shit too. It is not always about me.

Recently, I had the displeasure to reread one of my earlier journals. I was 18 and had moved to London at that time. I met my first love at nearly twenty, in 2007.
It brought my energy way down...
Now I know that to manifest what we want - it needs to be from a vibration of joy. If you're not quite there yet, at least you need to have respect for God and thus trust him and the process. That's right, I'm no Christian, but I said it - The first step to manifesting is 1) You need to have undying faith. Believe that something universal outside of the 5 basic senses is protecting you, guiding you, and also fulfilling your desires. It's always been happening, but I didn't know how to claim it.
That brings me to the other component: 2) Learn to receive. If it is already on the way, can you be happy now and act as if it is already yours? Talk, eat, sleep, move, and love with that knowledge. No matter how long it takes to get yourself to this point of 'self-assured confidence', set up boundaries accordingly. 
3) Affirm that feeling of safety by declaring that you are blessed no matter how surprisingly awesome the outcome could be. Essentially, it's going to be what you desire or something even better. The Universe has the perfect plan for you.

You are blessed.


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