Learning and growing

I'm studying Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) and realizing how far I've come. I understand that our thoughts make us sick and not the things in and of themselves. For example, I'm crushing on the RRT senior there, yet I know (no, I don't know, but I imagine) that he might be seeing someone. 
So, the image of them together could bring feelings of jealousy... yet, now I've learned that I can change my thoughts about jealousy, make that concept incomprehensible, and it happens in seconds. Even if he was married, it doesn't bother me at all. I'm happy for them already.

We must wish one another well; it's in the highest interest of all people that we feed the collective consciousness with good wishes and unconditional love. The book - A Happy Pocket Full of Money also reminds me that there are no conditions! Our thoughts create corresponding conditions for our specific situations all the time. So - change your thoughts, and you change your external conditions.

Other takeaways from the book and RRT course are that time doesn't exist, all realities are happening simultaneously, and there are no failures. It is really landing well with me this time.

I'm also glad that I'm constantly reminded of my power at work. I love working with people one-on-one and creating transformations by helping them discover something new and feel better about themselves. 
I love being useful! I'm also reminded of boundaries, not only in my work environment - as it is crucial to stick to my guns and stand by my own unique service there, but also in my private life. 

I started doing healings for young female students, and I see that if you offer your hand, a whole arm could be taken. Just because they're women and students, it shouldn't make them any more privileged than other individuals who pay me for my therapy.
Another example is my male client, who is inviting me to Octoberfest... Honestly, how well do you know me to make such a proposition?
The fact that I even gave it some minutes of thinking is striking.
In my heart, this trip is not my truth. To be pushed to consider drinking beer all day long, or look at drinkers at a large beer festival, and parading around in a dirndl is my idea of hell.
No, thank you, it should be enough.

To exercise my boundaries further, I also had to refuse a long-time client of mine from further Theta Healing sessions. He doesn't even believe in the Creator. Throughout the years, we'd worked on different emotions and ailments, and some improved a lot, but I could never inspire him to get out of victim consciousness. That is up to him to do, and that is why he's coming up with more and more new injuries. If not my rejection, then I don't know what will help. 


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