The 5 pillars for self-healing

I’ve done numerous cacao ceremonies, psychedelics, Vipassana retreats, meditations, Theta healing courses, psychic visits…. also Landmark Pty and Tony Robbins. However profoundly healing, you don’t have to do all that. Running from seminar to seminar, it’s a trap.

The five pillars that keep me alive:

I connect to God and my heart before connecting to the rest of the world. This means no phone for the first hour or so. 
There were some dark periods in my life when I stopped believing that there is God - higher power out there. In non-christian words - something larger than me, the magical Universe hovering its protective shield over me. I know that once I start cursing the heavens, it's bad news. Believing in my version of an all-loving Universe is primary.
I'd recommend starting every day in silence and finding faith and gratitude in the present moment. If you live with a partner, simply make that request that you both don't talk until this meditative part is done.

- The body and mind are connected, fueling the spirit together. Learning about Nutrition and recognizing what I put in my mouth is extremely important. It goes without saying that alcohol, drugs, and nicotine don't feed the soul.
I still get low and anxious moods that are influenced by what I eat, my cycle, hormones, weight, and life situations. If I ensure I get the optimal amounts of vitamins and minerals from whole foods, superfoods, and herbs, I can keep these fluctuations under control. I also know how to mitigate the damage after too much stress, wine, sleepless nights, or a period of snacking on suboptimally nourishing pseudo foods. We’re only human, and we own a full spectrum of emotions! Sadness, anger, frustration, joy, despair are normal.
In any case, try DANCING. My favorite kind of free-style movement that never gets old. Shake off years of unexpressed emotions in a nice sweaty session. Clarity and endorphins are guaranteed.

Thankfully, if I forget kindness to self, I have gems of friends scattered around the world. Regular communication with your chosen community is key. Find your tribe, and you find yourself, and vice versa! Stay in touch with good souls. It is a type of nourishment that no food, wine, or work can supply.

I’ve kept diaries and journals since 9 years old. That’s a lot of written pages! I had to burn a few copies some years back as re-reading them brought painful memories. However, writing my feelings down at that time, as it was all happening, likely life-saving. I turned the journal-burning into a ritual of letting go. I love to write short e-books, blogs, and just free-flowing writing about my feelings every night before bed. Why try it? You will organize your thoughts and understand your processes better. Sometimes we think we know the problem, but most of the time it's our dark thoughts about it that make us suffer. Once it's on paper, you'll feel lighter! Burn after writing.

- Traveling brings fresh blood into my veins. Something in me needs it like air. Change of scenery is good for us because it fosters the creation of new neuropathways in the brain. It makes us more flexible, vital, smarter, open to new cultural experiences, and more tolerant of our differences.
A simple short trip away can change you for the better. Whenever you feel stuck, pack your bags and go explore new territory! The epiphanies that come when you're outside of your comfort zone are priceless!


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