Self-love, self-worth, and self-appreciation

Gone are the days when self-acceptance was enough.
Now I know how susceptible I am to remain comfortably numb in a mentally nonstimulating environment. I fall asleep on my laurels. Complacent.
Finding a supportive environment is one of the pillars of radical self-care. And the right self-care is the reflection of your love for yourself.
How much you love yourself determines everything - your standards for life, love, health, and career. Finding a healthy partnership becomes your priority when you start valuing yourself.
If you value and appreciate yourself, you simply won't tolerate unsupportive environments, abusive family or partners, mediocre friendships, stressful jobs, or anyone not bringing out the best version of you. That's where self-acceptance falls short. You can't just accept how you've created your life so far. Sure, you must accept it to a certain degree, and you absolutely must forgive yourself for the wrong turns, but darling, you were meant for so much more...

I have to acknowledge that it's nobody's fault that I lost my mojo. No one took me by the hand and led me to a place of low self-esteem and self-deprecation. I let the events of the last two years go too far.
But it's never too late to course-correct.
Never too late.
If anything, after this level of awareness, today is the perfect day to start; to open a new chapter, tell a story where I am the one who saved myself, who found the best supportive job for herself, chose the right partner, and in the end, created the type of business that gives her location-freedom, health, love, and more abundance and joy than she could have ever envisioned. 

Passion for life has never left you, darling. It's always been buried within. So get your hands dirty and dig it up!


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