The upper limit

Why do we sabotage success, great relationships, or personal progress - weight loss, for example, and wonder how the hell did it come about?
When we’re amidst a sudden crisis or chaos, it seems so unfair. Does it feel to you as if somebody, something outside of you, interfered with your happiness? A force beyond your control overtakes your life when it's been going so well, and you're set aback.

I hate to break it to you, but you are your own enemy. You’re the common denominator. Not that there’s something fundamentally wrong with you unless you believe it is so, but you must have set a so-called personal upper limit to what you believe you can achieve in life, love, and career. Anything that ‘threatens’ you’ll pass that limit may trigger a series of self-sabotaging patterns.

Gay Hendricks, in his book The Big Leap, talks about this upper limit. 
I found myself applying it to my life and nodding a lot!

I left my first relationship because it was too harmonious. Like, I’m used to chaos, do I even deserve all this peace? 
I needed to create drama to drop from my upper limit back down to a ‘comfortable,’ albeit miserable, temperature of my lousy love thermostat. 

Now I have casual sex because it’s easier. Relationships are hard work that no one trained me for. Or so I think.
By the way, are they hard work?? I wouldn't know. As far as I'm concerned, we create our own reality.
It seems that all I need is to learn to be comfortable with my upper limit and keep extending it. To ask myself: What more is out there for us?

The same goes for earnings. I’ve definitely earned enough money in my life, but I was never able to keep it.
Whenever I'd get popular with my work and deliver transformations for my clients on a daily basis, I'd start falling down from this unfamiliar higher upper limit. Either I'd manifest illness to send me to bed and rest, a burnout to have an excuse to run away and spend my savings in exotic locations where I couldn’t work, or I'd ‘innovate’ and unknowingly go the opposite direction of success. I sabotaged my wealth so many times!

I want to learn to be comfortable with the discomfort of the unknown. How much is possible for me, how much more is out there? How much can I allow myself to receive in love and abundance?

I dare you to dare yourself.

Love x


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