You can make her have sex with you, but you cannot make her love you

I've been listening to the audiobook: The Game by Neil Strauss. Wow!

The world of pick-up artists who use techniques like NLP, graphology, basic psychology, masterful social skills, visualizations, hypnosis, and even some magic tricks to get women in bed! Let alone the deceptions caused by their little self-esteem over their tiny dicks, short IQ, no EQ, and over-the-roof egotism.

Actual lines from the book:

A guy called Mystery is listing what he wants to accomplish with his pick-up master courses:

"I want to levitate over Niagara Falls, I want to travel to England and Australia, I want jewelry, games, a model airplane, and to star in Jesus as Jesus.

But what I’m really after it’s for people to be envious of me, for women to want me and men to want to be me."

His friend Style replies: "You never got much love as a child, did you?"

Mystery:  "No..." He  replies sheepishly 

Of course, I am entertained, take it with a grain of salt, have compassion, and all of that. But sometimes, I fight vomit.
Have I been played in the past? Maybe. I'm glad that I don't even go out anymore. What I appreciate is that these men are coming clean, and I'm quite excited to see how the storyline develops. 

And I liked it when they admitted that women want sex as much as men, if not more. They just don't wanna be lied to, feel pressured, or made to look like a slut. 

Is it all about meaningless sex scoring for 20-year-olds?
Is it all about meaningless yet passionate, deep sex-scoring for 30-year-olds?
Does it get meaningful and exclusive by default after 40?

Doesn't anybody want love, stability, and deepening of a connection anymore?


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