Manifesting in London

I wanna start by saying I'm difficult. And I know how that is inevitably a limiting belief. Because somewhere, there is a friend who understands exactly how I operate and can handle that; likewise, a man who knows he'll have a lot more fun with a complicated woman than with one who's always predictable, agreeable, or easy to control.

Love inspires us to be better, and by that I mean even the illusion of love, a fantasy never to be realized, a fleeting connection, a 3-second eye contact with a stranger while walking down the escalator... would I not finally sit down to write today had that not inspired me to get out of my head and into my body again?
I would because I said to myself that today is the day, but the blog post could have been forced. Now I'm pumped to write about Manifesting. 

I had an incredible weekend in London, learning more about Theta Healing methodology, digging deeper into my limiting belief systems when it comes to money, making money as a healer and coach, creating a home base for myself, and all the barriers I enacted against true love. 

Have you heard of the term Healing Crisis? It can happen after a therapy session, an immersive self-development seminar, or a few-day-long event filled with authenticity and new friendships. You break down, break through, and repeat until life settles again. During this weekend's workshop Game of Life, we dug up each other's childhood traumas, released present issues, and visualized the best, most outrageous outcomes. A fun activity called Divine timing reading and manifesting had us laughing out loud and feel the power of sisterhood!
Whatever you desire, you can have it if you believe it and if your support network plays along.

On Monday, I was shaken, positively brain-washed, yet still feeling like an imposter, if not a loser! What do I do now with all this new knowledge?! Healing crisis at its fullness.
I was trying to function normally, engage with my friend who came to the area to see her mum, friend, and me, and... I disappointed her. Apparently, I was there and wasn't there - "You look around as if you're not listening to me, how rude!"
I'm sorry it seems to you that way, but it has nothing to do with you.
We had a fallout. 
Frankly, I was quite happy that after 3 days of non-stop belief-digging, 5 hours on average of nightly sleep, daily energy readings and healings... I could actually pack up my stuff and leave her mum's house a day earlier than planned.
Sometimes, people's energies do not match, I agree. Have they ever? I only knew her for a few months. And this 'friendship' already showed me that she's not a rainy day friend, but a party and booze occasional friend, maybe.

That weekend my intention was to see more money in my life, a hot man, and a line of soul-aligned clients.

I bought a £5 bag in a charity shop, £5 shoes that would normally be over £100 and a £20 dress priced on the high street at £500 at least.
The bag was hiding a gold ring. Out of curiosity, I went to the gold buyers, who said they'd buy it for £63. Not a bad shopping spree!
Then I was like - Well, where are all the hot men, though? been running around in this 10-mil people city for 5 days, and the most alluring person I've seen was my Theta instructor Anna Kitney!

I thought - let's play a manifesting game to see how many attractive men I can spot today if I focus on what I want to see. Where our focus goes, energy flows.
Okay, there were like 2 or 3 men out there, but the last one's eyes made up for all the other hundred lost souls that passed me by. 1,2,3, how many seconds of eye contact is significant? We exchanged smiles and... I made sure I DID NOT turn around.

I'm flying to Prague tomorrow. I decided it was time to follow the path of least resistance and put my roots down. I manifest the best when I feel grounded.
And despite all the fun I experienced while traveling, the last few weeks, I've also felt a bit mental. 
It's good to calm down, integrate all the lessons, and manifest in the peace of one's home, trusting and acting 'as if' for a while before it all EXPLODES.

The struggle, the loneliness, the emptiness, the poorness, and the waiting days are numbered. 


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