Making time for wellness to address potential Lyme

Right, it’s not πŸ’― sure that I contracted Lyme from a Swedish (dear) tick, but certain symptoms have already appeared.

I’m not the one to run to the doctor right away, even though I used to have tendencies to hypochondria! Thinking there was something wrong with me, studying my body for abnormalities that might need an intervention.
Sure, I still have a proneness to anxiety, waiting for the other shoe to drop, but I’ve gotten so much more reasonable. I catch myself when I give my power away to fearful projections and worrisome issues.

The rash on my leg at the place where I left the tick’s head buried under my skin is undeniable.
But again, it might be just a healing sign as the skin has finally repelled the head out on its own.

I had flu-like symptoms, fatigue, and weakness when running on 4-5 hours of sleep for a week, feeling the hustle and bustle in London, and succumbing to a healing crisis (more in my previous post). The fatigue and fogginess are, therefore, pretty understandable. Now I'm back in Prague, the sleep is still insufficient, and stress from moving about remains.

Yesterday, I knew I had to improve my diet and lifestyle, amp up on superfoods, vitamins, and minerals, and generally treat my body with utmost self-care.

I researched natural remedies on Dr. Axe’s website. He is a genius. I love his natural holistic approach to every ailment imaginable.
Changing my diet and getting more sleep will be crucial.
I decided to start my day with a green powder with stevia. Real stevia leaves may even kill the Boreliosis bacteria!
Then I focus on more ketogenic foods, healthy fats, and animal proteins.
Eliminating sugar completely will take baby steps!

Unfortunately, even after my self-care day, which involved a massage, getting my nails done, and a fairly early night, the next day, I woke up nearly unable to get out of bed. 
I drank the green juice and fatty shake… but, after 2 hours, I still felt so sleepy I ended up ordering triple espresso before my appointment. It made me feel great.
I hardly slept last night, though, and still, I woke up fresh as a peach. Welcome to my manic life!

Well, let’s hope that this self-care journey will rather enrich my life. I'm still hoping it's just a general cold, stress, and a lack of quality sleep.
I don’t want to take antibiotics as the research shows that Lyme lingers long after the meds course has finished.

“If you don’t make time for your wellness, your body will make time for your illness.”
- unknown.

Let's make time for wellness every day, anytime!


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