Erotic musings

I set out to learn (and show) more respect for men.

I had to start within. Where am I giving men what they think they want despite knowing what they need, not allowing myself to receive in the process, and then resenting them for it?

If only women realized how much power they have over men!

Erotic power

Persuasive power

Healing power - Inspiring them to be the best version of themselves, step up, take charge of their life, and lead.

Sex with a new person can be traumatic, even if we like them. A story for another blog post.
But it can also be so frickin’ HEALING.

Looking at the lovebite on my neck, assessing the 9 uninterrupted hours of sleep, the spring in my step, and hot memories of actions that still propel no regrets, I am glad I allowed myself to receive.

Manifesting and receiving can come in waves… over a few days.
I finally got the gist of it.

The manifestations began on Thursday when he still wasn’t around. I gave a man what he needed instead of what he wanted, but I broke a few rules to get more joy out of it myself!

This latest lover and I first met virtually in February. Fast forward a few months, we lunched together in Prague, then we kissed, and a coupla days after, we made love.

What a foreplay until I was ready!

I love watching the orgasmic face of my lover, feeling the healing depths of his penetration, and knowing how stress-relieving it is for him. As he releases so much gratitude into me, safely, 
there's no space for remorse. If women feel used after sex, maybe it's because they didn't allow themselves to orgasm first, or because society portrays enjoyment of sexuality as wrong/a taboo.
(Also, did you make sure YOUR PUSSY WAS OPEN, relaxed, and your heart connected to his? Did you choose a good-natured person?? Again, a topic for another blog post.)

I like to play games with men, test their nerves, push them to the edge of their sanity... then watch how they pass my 'shit test'. This time, the failure was just too close... 
So I met him halfway. I knew I needed to be willing to be wrong. I came to see him on his last day to make it better, kiss it better, and make the previous misunderstanding all okay.

This peace-keeping step was not about him. It was about me and my future dates with other men. Like, I’d stay single all my life if I thought that I knew all there is to know about men. For all I know about men is that they’re either pick-up artists, losers who won’t even try to make a move, or, my favorite, they’re married and lie at home about who they are (non-monogamists) and what they need (more affection).

I might be all of that except for the married cheater. So I tend to succumb to their charms a lot. I’m too nice, too understanding, always willing to fuck, sorry, I mean help.
My mind on a rampant. 

I wanted to be wrong on Sunday. Approach him with an open mind and open heart. Have respect for who he is and where he's coming from.

Nothing got me over my Mexican affair except for this. And God knows how hard I had been trying!

It was not necessary to go all the way. We both knew that it wasn't the most important part of our connection. My mind kept reminding me that there was never a time that I regretted NOT sleeping with someone. But my heart and my pussy gave me signals that, in this case, hugging him closely one more time was the deeper need I should listen to.
I once read somewhere that the thing that will heal women best is penetration by a conscious cock. I can testify now.

When it comes to sex, we can settle to only masturbate, deny the urge altogether, or dream about it and talk about it, but the real thing is the real thing.

What makes people change their minds about their erotic preferences, boundaries, and rules in sex and relationships literally overnight?
Well, people simply realize that allowing themselves to receive has never felt so good!

I’m single, I have a high sex drive, and I inspire men to be/do better in their lives, with or without me in them! I allow lots of sex in my life because it's my erotic birthright and spiritual ordeal. 
Some interactions are good, some not so great, and at other times they're frickin' fantastic.

How much pleasure and eroticism do you allow in your life? This might be too much for you to take. 
I invite you to explore this topic whenever you're ready; it's enlivening!


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