Are we looking for something that doesn’t exist

Are we, or some of us, looking for a relationship and feeling so sad while looking around at all the lechery? 

I was one of those. Preaching monogamy over polyamory while enjoying sex with multiple lovers. Sometimes even on the same day.
I’m single, and I’m not cheating.
Judge me as you wish. But I know you have a dirty mind too.
Spoiler alert. I’ll tell you the truth at the beginning of this post.

A happy, sexually fulfilling, and monogamous, aka exclusive, partnership DOES NOT exist. 
Yet we’re still looking for it!

If you consider this thought true, you’ll realize it’s not the end of the world; it’s not awful, sinful, evil, or somehow degrading … it’s meant for our spiritual growth and the simple JOY of being alive!

Save yourself the drama, the disappointment, and the wishful thinking by accepting this fact: humans cannot be monogamous creatures for years and years on end.

We can be in a beautiful relationship yet fancy other people too. Perhaps most of the time, we won’t want to react to those exchanged pleasantries. Later, there might come a time when we’ll prefer to exchange energies in less subtle ways. We’ll sense a genuine connection with a kindred spirit and want to explore their physical body too.

Why should we fight these natural impulses?

HONEST COMMUNICATION upfront is what makes or breaks your primary relationship.

Such lightness washed over me once I understood that I could stop chasing that which DOES NOT EXIST.
Peace installed itself within me.

Need help with that? I’m one big ear! And I’m never gonna condemn you. 

An erotic muse. To be continued.


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