Allowing of JOY

This post is challenging to start now that the magic is gone. They say we should take action right the second we get inspired - so I missed the boat, but I'm catching the next one!

The power of the present moment. 

Interestingly, I pulled out the upside-down Hummingbird Spirit card to confirm my inner knowing.

The thought came during my snack time. For once, I was aware that 1) I'm not supposed to be snacking between meals, 2) Yet here I am doing it, and 3) So why don't I enjoy it?

It might sound weird to you, but that realization of HERE, NOW, JOY - if I allow it - was REVELATORY!

If I allow.... and surrender to the moment, here, right now, I am, eating something delicious even when I'm not supposed to. I could feel double-excited. The yumminess of the food and the precious silent moment on a sofa. I worked on my marketing, walked the dog, and tidied the house, okay, I haven't exercised yet, and my work is still not finished, but I'm breathing, my borrowed dog is breathing (and snoring satisfyingly!), we still have the evening ahead, so I might as well, enjoy it all...

You know, this place here is a hole. At best, I bump into a young man dog-walking and smiling at me; at worst, it's just one or two retirees not even noticing me. So I spend my days focused on my passions - writing, dancing, attending virtual masterclasses, reading, and taking occasional calls.

Even if I wanted to feel lonely, I couldn't. These days here spent alone are NUMBERED. It's not gonna last forever, and one day, I might regret that it wasn't longer or that it can't be repeated.

I believe it's the same with relationships. Some days we might feel intensely passionate, then bored; sometimes, we'll miss each other, and other times we'll wish to take our distance.

So enjoy everything while it lasts and reframe your feelings of dread when it comes to this transient life of yours. Everything changes, and that's the way it's meant to be.

Being here right now is a blessing. The beginning of something great. It starts with your allowing to feel JOY, right here, right now.

All you seek is right here, right now. Appreciate the present, and you will see that you are where you need to be and enjoying what you are entitled to enjoy in this timeless and perfect moment.

- Colette Baron Reid


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