Do not create from loneliness

Before I continue recounting my Scandinavian adventures, this post wants to be written.

"Don't go shopping when you're hungry; you might make wrong choices. 
Don't go into a relationship when you're lonely; you might make the wrong choice."
- Some wise man on evil Instagram

So true, isn't it?

I finished recording my webinar, and I felt like dancing and shaking it off afterward.
By the way, if only I wasn't camera shy, that damn thing could have been posted already. But I need a few more takes!

As I was dancing, freely moving my body, with no choreography, just feeling the flow... I was contemplating the archetypes of men and women we carry to help us navigate the different seasons in our lives... 

I went from a girl to the white tigress, priestess, and wise sage to now learning to embody the archetype of the Mother.
Women should get acquainted with this one. I now believe it's the highest calling we can embrace. It doesn't require women to have children of their own... the way I understand it is that the Mother has an unconditionally loving approach to the Male's own seasons, embodying his archetypes and eventually growing into the all-loving watchful divine Father himself. It might be some crazy imagined transmission.... but if we're all lost children, we are yearning for the return to the womb. And who has the womb? 
My Swedish friend inspired this realization. I am much wiser after that meeting!

So I'm dancing and realizing how ready I am to move fully into the archetype of the Mother, and maybe not just figuratively.
While I'm perfectly happy to be the only man in my life right now, the divine masculine lover, father, and brother who looks after my well-being alongside my inner divine woman, I do get lonely.
And so, for a brief moment, I focused on my loneliness. Rather than calling in what I actually wanted, I stayed with my loneliness, and it made me cry. It felt relieving and even nurturing somewhat. Lightness washed over me, but the void in my body stayed empty...

The song had finished, and I went to look for a happier one. Then it struck me - if I can change my state from inspired to defeated, sad, and lonely, then I can do the opposite too. And not just that - what the fuck am I displaying to the Universe again???
Am I already calling in grief? Missing someone? Loss after loss?
Nope, I'm not gonna sabotage myself with the law of attraction again.
I will make good use of it!

Do not create from a lonely state. You are attracting more loneliness.
Change your state and visualize that your single days are numbered.
He or she is coming.


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