No coincidences

Women get angry too. We get angry at ourselves, at men, and at the Universe all the time. We express it more effectively than men, though. It's how we channel the Goddess Kali to help us burn anyone who'd want to tame our inner dragon. 

My anger was put to the test a few weeks ago. I arrived at Arlanda airport in Sweden, but my luggage didn’t.

Just as I was about to raise my voice at the Aviation assistant in the customer service window, I glimpsed the sign that any violence would not be tolerated. So I breathed it out.

The stuff I had left on me in my humble hand luggage was rather ridiculous. Everything, I mean - all my life, was in my checked bag.

As I was wheeling my suitcase, my compact home on wheels, to Prague's airport, I knew that something wasn't right. An educated human being making money should not be wheeling their life on wheels everywhere they go as if it was their tiny home.

True, I could live out of that suitcase for a couple of months if I wanted to. Costly supplements, protein powders, plenty of clothes for every season, light exercise equipment, books, and cosmetics that could last an average person a lifetime.
However, there were some irreplaceable things like my scribbles, vision map, unusual jewelry, my sleeping kit - silk shawl, silk eye mask, and blue-light blocking glasses.
All that got lost.

While upset, tiny tears trickled down my face. You see, that's a healthier expression of anger and grief than shouting at the Aviation officer. 
Yeah, but men don't cry.
But we need you to.

I was the only person from our flight still in the baggage claim area. 
Confused, I started walking down the hall towards the exit.


What? I turn to look at an unfamiliar face.

“Omg, you’re kidding me!" A tanned blond slim guy with a straw hat and a phone at his ear is grinning at me.
“Hang on, I’ll call you back.” He says to the phone and then to me:

“It’s Frederick from Bali!”

Aaaaahhhhh, now could I breathe out, relax my body, and turn my questioning face to a welcoming one.
Omg. I haven’t seen him since 2019 at Bali Spirit Festival. And in 2023, he’s just returning from another one.

Over a brief catch-up, he reminded me of who I was and wasn't anymore. Should I be that again?

And that 'chance' meeting inspired me to work on what I’m actually supposed to work on. I went back in time... and I took only the best findings with me into the NOW.
I met up with my friends in the Mycelium near Filipstad, and I got to work on Healing the Divine Masculine. In all of us.

While my bag was still missing, I was forced to understand the lessons -

You are safe and secure wherever you go; everywhere is home.

Stop holding onto false security. Like a toxic job you love-hate.

Be free.

Create a real home elsewhere.

Take what you love and turn it into your own business. 

When I released all attachments to my stuff, the dependency on things that were meant to make me prettier, healthier and slimmer... I felt free and complete.
Then my luggage arrived on the 10th day.

I went to spend some time with Fredrik and his friends in the woods and developed my ideas further.

I haven't felt this alive in a long, long time.

The takeaway from this story - everything, everything, has a good reason behind it. Look for the lessons. Embrace them. Move on.
I'm so grateful for the reminder that all we seek, we already have within.


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