
Showing posts from May, 2023

The Divine Mother - Men returning to the Womb

I'd like to elaborate on a post I published on Instagram a few days ago: **** π‘¬π’Žπ’ƒπ’π’…π’šπ’Šπ’π’ˆ 𝑻𝒉𝒆 π‘¨π’“π’„π’‰π’†π’•π’šπ’‘π’† 𝒐𝒇 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓. (Read until the end) I don’t know how this transmission found its way to me. After a lifetime of pushing my mother away and years of suppressing my own motherly instincts, being one of those - There are already too many children in the world… How on Earth have I made the leap to a new consciousness? I have profound compassion for all the men who came looking for the Archetype of the Mother in me and never found it. (But men, don’t date your mothers! I’ll explain later.) All men have some mother wounds. Because we all came from a mother. Unconsciously, we look to ‘return to the womb.’ And I tended to attract men with mother issues. Why?  For the opportunity to heal. In the past, I couldn’t provide mothering safety, nurturance, and unconditional love for myself, let alone for someone else. The men who wanted to date me needed these quali

Is love the strongest medicine

Eight weeks and two days before I turn 36. I wanna do a little self-assessment. It could help me determine how best to spend the next 2 months. Let's leave 2022 out of it (In a nutshell, it was good and bad). What have I done in 2023 so far, and what's the vision for the second half? For starters, I went to the gym about 3x. I've done only one 20-hour fast.  And for somebody who’s always on alcohol detox, I drank way too much wine. To give myself some credit, I fast  between 12-16 hours every day. I’m still planning to do 3 days, but mentally, I'm not in the right headspace now. Nevertheless, a proper fast and detox will happen before my 36th! I've felt intense feelings of joy 3x this year. In Mexico during Anarch@pulco while surrounded by my tribe (the night we did a mushroom ceremony), then in Sweden with an incredible couple from the said festival while working on my projects in the countryside, and with my Swedish friend and his friends dancing in a forest (sobe

Do not create from loneliness

Before I continue recounting my Scandinavian adventures, this post wants to be written. "Don't go shopping when you're hungry; you might make wrong choices.  Don't go into a relationship when you're lonely; you might make the wrong choice." - Some wise man on evil Instagram So true, isn't it? I finished recording my webinar, and I felt like dancing and shaking it off afterward. By the way, if only I wasn't camera shy, that damn thing could have been posted already. But I need a few more takes! As I was dancing, freely moving my body, with no choreography, just feeling the flow... I was contemplating the archetypes of men and women we carry to help us navigate the different seasons in our lives...  I went from a girl to the white tigress, priestess, and wise sage to now learning to embody the archetype of the Mother. Women should get acquainted with this one. I now believe it's the highest calling we can embrace. It doesn't require women to have

No coincidences

Women get angry too. We get angry at ourselves, at men, and at the Universe all the time. We express it more effectively than men, though. It's how we channel the Goddess Kali to help us burn anyone who'd want to tame our inner dragon.  My anger was put to the test a few weeks ago. I arrived at Arlanda airport in Sweden, but my luggage didn’t. Just as I was about to raise my voice at the Aviation assistant in the customer service window, I glimpsed the sign that any violence would not be tolerated. So I breathed it out. The stuff I had left on me in my humble hand luggage was rather ridiculous. Everything, I mean - all my life, was in my checked bag. As I was wheeling my suitcase, my compact home on wheels, to Prague's airport, I knew that something wasn't right. An educated human being making money should not be wheeling their life on wheels everywhere they go as if it was their tiny home. True, I could live out of that suitcase for a couple of months if I wanted to. C