
Showing posts from February, 2024

High-school sweethearts forever after - that's clearly not my story

These frickin' sad romantic songs on the radio... I was fine until I got back into my hotel. Well, until I had a little stalker's moment and spied on two high school sweethearts on Instagram. Damn, it really does happen. People meet at 16 years old and stay together their whole life. He is a whole other creature I can't even comprehend... like, damn, it really exists that a guy would adopt the role of a protector and provider so early on? They're only in their early 30s now but appear to be more in love than ever. And well, she is, her love is - how she writes about them and their beyond-love story - absolutely worth it. A totally devoted wife... I checked her whole Instagram, to my own amazement, and she's been very consistent with posts on his birthdays, Valentine's Day, Father's Day... damn. I got sucked into it. I tried to picture myself having done life differently... forget the fact that I had my first boyfriend at 20 years old. Let's say R. and I

I'm done with being a Today's girl.

My ex-lover effectively acts as a sexual appetite suppressant... who would have thought... Celibacy has still been good to me. I can't say I don't imagine passionately making out with somebody, but such a brief drifting is not obsessive, nor does it feel tempting to turn it into reality. I am stunned by my newfound strong will and boundaries. We all need a different medicine. This is what I need. Last night, I discussed it with my female friend E., who is still in Peru. I suggested that the women who didn't have much attention from men in the past and didn't enjoy much physical pleasure or, overall, their intimate relationships sucked should put themselves out there, flirt, enjoy the male gaze, and perhaps even find many different lovers... I'm not gonna preach celibacy and a nun-like lifestyle to everybody... it's for me at the moment! 😂 I'm surrounded by men here in Acapulco, Mexico. It's so funny that when I hosted Cacao and Ecstatic Dance evening th